Please read the original article here: 大きくてふわっふわ!人気の「台湾カステラ」作り方&アレンジレシピ | キナリノ
独特 どくとく
- peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic
- understood only by oneself
挑戦 ちょうせん
- challenge; defiance; dare; attempt; try
堪能 たんのう
- proficient; skillful
- enjoying; satisfaction; satiation; having one's fill (of)
屋台 やたい
- cart (esp. a food cart); stall; stand
行列 ぎょうれつ
- line; queue; procession; parade
- jiggling; wobbling; bouncing
素朴 そぼく
- simplicity; naivete;
ひび割れ ひびわれ
- crack; crevice; fissure
萎む しぼむ (usually written in kana)
- to deflate
湯煎 ゆせん
- warming something in a vessel placed in hot water
急激 きゅうげき
- sudden; precipitous; radical
角形 かくがた
- square shape; oblong; rectangle
身近 みぢか
- near oneself; close to one; familiar
短縮 たんしゅく
- shortening; abbreviation; reduction
練り込む ねりこむ
- to knead into
濃厚 のうこう
- rich (in flavor, color, smell, etc.); thick; dense; strong
ほろ苦い ほろにがい
- bittersweet; slightly bitter
きめ細か きめこまか
- smooth
- meticulous; painstaking; detailed
香ばしい こうばしい
- fragrant; aromatic; sweet-smelling
- savory (smelling); savory
黒糖 こくとう
- brown cane sugar
癒す いやす
- to heal; to cure
熱々 あつあつ
- piping hot; scalding
- madly in love
炊飯器 すいはんき
- rice cooker
竹串 たけぐし
- bamboo skewer
贅沢 ぜいたく
- luxury; extravagance
拘り こだわり (usually written in kana)
- obsession; fixation; pickiness about (trait, style, etc.)
主役 しゅやく
- leading part; leading actor; leading actress
インスタ映え・写真映え (はえ)
instagrammable / photogenic
- cool; chilly; feeling nice and cold
凍る こおる
- to freeze; to be frozen over; to congeal
重視 じゅうし
- importance; stress; serious consideration
冷凍 れいとう
- freezing; cold storage; refrigeration
添える そえる
- to garnish
豊か ゆたか
- abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent
- very; extremely; full of; great
風味 ふうみ
- taste; flavor
- well-cooked; well-done; browned
Please read the original article here: 大きくてふわっふわ!人気の「台湾カステラ」作り方&アレンジレシピ | キナリノ
独特 どくとく
- peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic
- understood only by oneself
挑戦 ちょうせん
- challenge; defiance; dare; attempt; try
堪能 たんのう
- proficient; skillful
- enjoying; satisfaction; satiation; having one's fill (of)
屋台 やたい
- cart (esp. a food cart); stall; stand
行列 ぎょうれつ
- line; queue; procession; parade
- jiggling; wobbling; bouncing
素朴 そぼく
- simplicity; naivete;
ひび割れ ひびわれ
- crack; crevice; fissure
萎む しぼむ (usually written in kana)
- to deflate
湯煎 ゆせん
- warming something in a vessel placed in hot water
急激 きゅうげき
- sudden; precipitous; radical
角形 かくがた
- square shape; oblong; rectangle
身近 みぢか
- near oneself; close to one; familiar
短縮 たんしゅく
- shortening; abbreviation; reduction
練り込む ねりこむ
- to knead into
濃厚 のうこう
- rich (in flavor, color, smell, etc.); thick; dense; strong
ほろ苦い ほろにがい
- bittersweet; slightly bitter
きめ細か きめこまか
- smooth
- meticulous; painstaking; detailed
香ばしい こうばしい
- fragrant; aromatic; sweet-smelling
- savory (smelling); savory
黒糖 こくとう
- brown cane sugar
癒す いやす
- to heal; to cure
熱々 あつあつ
- piping hot; scalding
- madly in love
炊飯器 すいはんき
- rice cooker
竹串 たけぐし
- bamboo skewer
贅沢 ぜいたく
- luxury; extravagance
拘り こだわり (usually written in kana)
- obsession; fixation; pickiness about (trait, style, etc.)
主役 しゅやく
- leading part; leading actor; leading actress
インスタ映え・写真映え (はえ)
instagrammable / photogenic
- cool; chilly; feeling nice and cold
凍る こおる
- to freeze; to be frozen over; to congeal
重視 じゅうし
- importance; stress; serious consideration
冷凍 れいとう
- freezing; cold storage; refrigeration
添える そえる
- to garnish
豊か ゆたか
- abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent
- very; extremely; full of; great
風味 ふうみ
- taste; flavor
- well-cooked; well-done; browned
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